Preschoolers love to imitate. As teachers and parents we want to be a good and godly example for them to follow. As Christians, we are to imitate Christ and ensue His important and directions for our lives. It's never too early to teach our minuscule ones to ensue God and here is a fun Christian preschool performance based on James 1:22 which says: "Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves, but do what it says." I call this game "Follow My Directions, Please".
Here's what you do:
Kindergarten Homeschool
For this activity, you will need to prepare any sets of directions. I have given you 8 separate ones down below that you might want to use or adapt for your situation. The other thing you will want to prepare is a nice Scripture board that showcases James 1:22. You are now ready to play this activity.
Here's how to play:
After introducing your chapter and James 1:22, you will by comparison to the class that they are going to say the Bible verse. After saying James 1:22, you will pick a child who must ensue the directions you give him. The child will then listen to the directions you give and accomplish them the best they can. You might want to have a treat of some kind to give the child for his success. After each set of directions, say the Bible verse together, then pick a new child to ensue the new set of directions.
Possible Set of Directions:
Set #1:
1. Hop to the sink.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Clap your hands 3 times.
4. Sit down.
Set #2:
1. Touch your toes.
2. Spin colse to 2 times.
3. Skip to the window.
4. Sit down.
Set #3:
1. Skip colse to the table.
2. Hop to the table.
3. Clap your hands 2 times.
4. Sit down.
Set #4:
1. Shout your name 2 times.
2. Give teacher a high-five.
3. Pat the top of your head 2 times.
4. Sit down.
Set #5:
1. Roar like a lion.
2. Draw a circle in the air.
3. Hop to the door.
4. Sit down.
Set #6:
1. Spin colse to 2 times.
2. Clap your hands 2 times.
3. Give teacher a back rub.
4. Sit down.
Set #7:
1. Shout your name 2 times.
2. Touch your knees.
3. Skip to the window.
4. Sit down.
Set #8:
1. Chirp like a bird.
2. Count to 5 out loud.
3. Give teacher a hug.
4. Sit down.
Before playing this activity, you might want to introduce the chapter in the following way:
Ok, boys and girls! ensue my directions, please. Touch your toes. (Wait for responses.) Clap your hands 2 times. (Wait for responses.) Spin colse to 2 times. (Wait for responses.) Very good. I'm so glad you followed my directions. God loves it when you allow His directions too. We can't just listen to God. We also have to do what He says. That's what our Bible verse says. James 1:22 says this: "Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves, but do what it says." (Point to your Scripture board as you say the verse. In fact, I all the time break my verses up into small sections and then have the children repeat after me.) Now let's play a fun game to help us learn this Bible verse and learn to ensue directions. Let's play "Follow My Directions, Please."
supervene My Directions, Please: A Fun Christian Preschool operation
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